Cactusdan's blog

Getting Outside More

Pretty much everything is working against me leaving my room. I work remote, most of my friends live in different cities, and nearly all of my hobbies involve a computer. I've found that it only takes one full day without going outside to make me feel slightly crazy, so I make an effort to leave my house on purpose.

The effects are universally positive. I feel noticeably better and my days feel longer when I leave the house once versus staying inside all day. Even if I can't bear to be away from my computer, I simply take my laptop to a different location and it helps a lot. I'm writing this post from my local library in fact.

Something that does work in my favor is that my favorite ways of exercising depend on the outdoors, namely walking and biking. This does get challenging in the winter though, especially when the cold air makes biking painful. I might get an indoor exercise bike someday to deal with those months.