Cactusdan's blog

Planning for site redesign

I made the current design for my main site in January 2022. It's a huge improvement over the design that came before, which was descended from my personal site for a javascript class I took in Fall 2020. Here you can see what that design looked like.

However something that bugs me is that I'm only adding more links to my site, and having one big scrollbar is going to get unwieldy in the future. My current plan is to use Vue to create a more data-driven homepage. Each project will have a few fields associated with it (title, description, tags etc.) and a search box will allow you to filter by tags. This will result in much less boilerplate HTML writing than the current design, and it should make it much easier to find things on my site.

In my time living my entire life on the internet I've amassed an impressive collection of bookmarks. In my site redesign I plan to create a link directory where I can share links to sites that I believe are worthy of discovery. This will use the same framework as my homepage, with a tag-searchable index.

I'm building my site for longevity, so along with this upgrade I'll also keep local copies of any libraries I use. This way if my upstream sources break I'll be able to recover the pages to their former functionality.