Cactusdan's blog

Some Updates to my Website

I just uploaded some updates to my main website. I changed the projects page to be a vue app, which has let me easily create a sortable, searchable list of projects I've done. It shows tags based on what technologies they used, such as Java, SQL, Godot etc. Funnily enough, these changes had been nearly complete since may, but I forgot to upload them until now.

I also updated the markov chain generator page. I generalized the model to be able to look back at the previous n tokens, rather than just the previous one. This turned it from just a markov chain creator to an n-gram model creator. You can also import a few public domain books into it to make it easier to start playing with the model right away.

I was going to add the ability to save the model to local storage, but it turns out that trying to have a model that's more than 5mB overloads the browser cache and it refuses to save (And nearly all created models will be greater than 5mB.) I may look into a better solution for that later.

The last update to that application is under where the text is generated, it shows the probability the model had of generating that particular output. Normally the probability of each output is so small it makes them essentially unique.