Cactusdan's blog

Things I made in 2022


I overhauled the look of the index page of my website. Previously the site used the same styling as the homepage I made for my javascript class in community college. I realized it was a bad browsing experience, though I've kept the look for the class page.

To get a before/after comparison, compare this page to that page


In march I made Pokesmash. At that time Markiplier's pokemon smash or pass video had just come out and I thought it would be fun to make a webapp for it. I used pokesmash as an excuse to use vue. It also taught me that github pages can be used as a static API by just shoving a JSON file somewhere on my website.


In April I participated in Ludum Dare 50 as part of my game design class. The resulting game was called Calcium Carnage and really stretched my abilities for that weekend. I'd just learned HaxeFlixel in the previous month and had never tried to make a whole game in such a short amount of time. I wish I'd done a postmortem, but I'll be sure to do that with my future game jams.


As my final project for that same game development class, I made HARDCORE!!. HARDCORE!! is a sequel to a game I made probably around 2015 called Hardcore!, which is not in all caps and only has 1 exclamation point. Hardcore! was terrible but it holds a special place in my heart and had a special aesthetic of its own. I plan to upload it to itchio at some point. HARDCORE!! is notable for being my first game I made in godot.


I did another game jam in September on a whim. It was called the Pixelated Toast Game Jam, which only lasted 24 hours and required me to make all my own assets in addition to the game. In practice I ended up only having around 5 hours to make the game since I generally like to sleep, so I had to cut a lot of corners. I remembered another game I made in 2015-ish which itself was based on the Roz 100 Door Challenge from the monsters inc blu-ray disk. The end result was the Mudkip Impossible Game. The vast majority of the development time went into the pong clone at the end. I credit the godot engine with my ability to crank that one out in such a tight timeframe. Also it won the jam.


I made a markov chain generator, which was a project I'd been thinking about doing for some time but hadn't gotten around to yet. This was my 2nd project in vue and development was very fast. I think I finished the whole thing in around 2 or 3 days. Given that I've made it in vue, it shouldn't be hard to add more features to it if I want to. I plan to use this project as a jumping off point for any future things I want to make that will use markov chains.


There's some big gaps between projects in 2022 which line up well with my school breaks. I find paradoxically that the times I have the least to do are among the least productive in my life. For 2023 I'm not going to try to sweat my hobby-related productivity much. There's some big changes coming my way this year, chief among them graduating from university, moving out of my parents' house, and working full time. I plan to continue to participate in game jams to break through the perfectionism that often keeps me from starting projects, and maybe I'll finish 1 or 2 bigger things this year.